Thursday, November 22, 2012

Interesting Superstitions from Different Cultures


Japanese superstitions are based on the ancient Pagan beliefs. They believe that all living things were related with some spirit power. In many Japanese superstitions, animal depiction is considered to have the effect of bringing about fortunes good or bad. Spider, for example can mean both good and bad omen to you. If you see spider in the morning it is consider good luck while you see it in the night, it means bad luck.

Number 4 is inauspicious in Japan because it has same pronunciation with the word ‘death’ in Japanese. Therefore; they abstain from using items including 4 numbers. Hence, you should not give in Japan presents consisting of four pieces. Hotels and other places often skip the number 4 while giving number to rooms.


In Turkish culture, jumping over a girl is not advisable as she may have problems in getting a baby. When a Turkish sneeze twice, they believe that there are someone gossiping behind them.

People there believe that spilling of the salt may cause sickness. If they spill it accidentally, they must immediately throw it over their left shoulder to prevent falling sick. They also don’t give a lady or hostess uneven number of flowers in a bouquet as it may bring bad luck.

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