Friday, December 21, 2012

Fengshui and Romantic Getaway

Follow these tips to turn your home into a romantic getaway!
  • Put your bed against the wall. Avoid placing it in between two doors. Ensure no clutter underneath your bed so that positive energy can flow around it.
  • Achieve a balanced love life by creating symmetry around the bed. Readers can place two identical night tables and lamps on either side.
  • Clutter shows that life is too chaotic and reflects that other things are getting in the way of nurturing a healthy relationship with your partner. Remove it away.
  • To attract a romance, avoid hanging any pictures of single men or women in your living place.
  • To attract more passion to your relationship, you need to enhance the fire aspect of your home. Burn bright lights and candles, particularly red, purple or magenta ones.
  • Do not put more than four decorative pillows on the bed. This enhances romance energy and also provides space for someone suitable to join you.
  • Single women, use colours of peach, pink or red, and fresh or pictures of peonies or roses.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Four Celestial Animals in Classical Fengshui

The Green Dragon: whose hills brings abundance and prosperity 

As the first of the animals, the Green Dragon sits to the east of the house, where the sun rises. Representing spring the Green Dragon brings wealth and well being to the home. In Form School Fengshui the Green Dragon is represented by a low hill to the east of the home.

The Crimson Phoenix: whose hills represent opportunity 

The phoenix refers to the front of the home or business. This is where you need a spacious area to allow chi to gather. In addition, you need a small-scale structure in the front as well. A good phoenix is an area that is open, but not completely exposed. The phoenix area should be large enough to accommodate the flowing chi and to direct it towards the home or business. 

The White Tiger: whose hills protects 

The White Tiger in Fengshui represents the west or right hand side of our homes (from the front main door). The White Tiger is associated with courage, protection and dignity. The White Tiger brings good luck and fortune when it is represented by a small rise on the right side of the house and is most often associated with the compass direction of west. It is the yin to a dragon’s yang. The White Tiger protects a home from negative forces.

The Black Turtle: whose hills provide support

Black Turtle behind your house. Black Turtle "supports" living space. Traditionally, it's a hill or a mountain, but these days a wall or building behind your house could serve the same purpose. Practically, it makes sense to shield your house from high, strong winds and lashing rains.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Indian Beliefs and Superstitions

Photo by: Karunakar Rayker

In India, you may also come across or hear about people who help in interpreting other's dreams. Even the daily life of Indians is governed by beliefs and superstitions. Superstitions are deemed as pertinent in India because these, generally, hint at future occurrences and can be either good or bad. Thus, anything from the dog whining to the falling of utensils is considered an omen in India. 

1.       Monday is not an auspicious day for shaving.
2.       Tuesday is believed to be not good to reach any body's home from a journey.
3.       Thursday and Saturday is a bad day for washing one's hair.
4.       Many Indians do not make payments on Fridays, except giving small coins to beggars.
5.       If you hear a dog whining at night it will bring bad luck, especially when someone in your family or neighbourhood is sick.
6.       Cawing of a black crow in one's house, as it forecasts the arrival of guests.
7.       Seeing a peacock on a journey is also considered lucky, but hearing its shrill sound is bad.
8.       Indians feel happy if a sparrow builds a nest in a new house because it signals good fortune.

Top Superstitions

1. Never walk under a ladder it will bring bad luck  

2. Never break a mirror as it will bring seven years bad luck   

3. Avoid opening an umbrella in the house as it will bring bad luck  

4. Never put your new pair of shoes on the table as it brings bad luck  

5. Friday the thirteenth is always an unlucky day    

6. When a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck  

7. If you blow out the candles on your birthday cake in one go your wish will come true
8. Walking over three drains brings bad luck  

9. Keep a lock from a baby’s first haircut for good luck   

10. A rabbit’s foot brings good luck  

11. Avoid stepping of cracks to prevent bad luck   

12. Washing a car will bring rain   

Cures, Charms, and Curses (German)

  1. If it rain in the morning, then the afternoon will have better weather if you meet anold women clear their throats.
  2. Rainwater found on tombstones helps to remove freckles.
  3. Hairs that have been combed out must be burned, for if a bird carries them to its nest, one will get headaches; if a starling carries them to its nest, one will go blind with cataracts.
  4. If it rains with sunshine, then poison will fall from the sky.