Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fengshui and Salt

In Fengshui , salt help to cleanse your living place and keep it free from of negative energy. By placing salt or salt water in certain locations help to absorb negative energy and purify the air. The following is a few simple tips that will help you to achieve a better flow of energy by using salt.

·         Fill two small ceramic containers with the sea salt. Place these containers at the northeast and southwest corners of the house. It help you to achieve a greater and more balanced chi in your living space

·         To purify your house and remove negative energy, mop the floors with a small mixture of sea salt and water.

·         Place a Solay salt lamp in every room to help the energy flow and radiate beautiful healing light.
·         It is believed that if a dark blue or black ceramic mug is filled to the brim with sea salt, and placed it in the dry area of the kitchen, it change your luck and help to improve relationship between husband and wife. The salt should be changed every 10 days for it to continue to have potency. 

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